If you’re part of an iNet member church then you are a part of our sending team. We create opportunities throughout the year for you to connect with cross-cultural workers, not only seeing what they are a part of, but to see what you are a part of! You can get involved by attending events, weekends, prayer gatherings and by giving financially. So stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on social media.
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Get inspired at Going Global
Are you wondering about your place in God’s plan for his world? Then Going Global is for you. It is a retreat weekend for input about that explores the biblical basis for global missions, and gives you opportunity to talk with people who have worked cross-culturally. Contact the office if you are interested and we will let you know of future dates.
Give to iNet
iNet is a registered charity that is blessed with many volunteers and generous member churches. We invite you to be a part of supporting cross-cultural workers and local churches through regular giving. It is easy to set up. Find out more here.
Subscribe to our newsletters
Often during lent and advent we make themed prayer calendars as helpful reminders to pray in our busy everyday lives. You can easily subscribe either to our email list or follow us on social media and take part in interceding for our cross-cultural workers. We also make a prayer booklet which focuses on praying for nations around the world, particularly where our cross-cultural workers serve and have a heart for. Please email us for your copy!